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Perfect Crimson Red

This piece of short story writing was something I created during my earlier years of college and have gone through many many changes and edits to make it into the story it is today. While it was written in college, it was an idea that spawned long before I entered college. Although I’ll be honest, the content of the story and its messages have changed quite a bit since its original inception. It has evolved into a completely different story than the one I had previously envisioned. Although in all honesty, I feel a lot better about what I have here than what my original plan slated for this story.

This short bit of writing actually came to me when I was at South Station in Boston while I was sitting at the platform. I felt like their are so many people with so many stories crossing each others path in life here that a story of this nature has to have taken place somewhere like this. So I felt that it was the perfect setting for a story. The unique individuals intersperced among the crowds of people gave me the idea for the clash of personalities I attempt to share in the writing, and the fast pace nature of people bustling in and out of the station helped me decide that I wanted the story to take place in the span of just a few short minutes. There is a lot more nuance to the inspiration behind many different factors of the short story, but it started standing in a station just like the one where the story takes place. Of course I did take some liberties, but hey I’m a writer. I’m allowed.

I believe this to be one of my strongest examples of my writing in a short story format. While there is very little of my own writing I feel really proud enough from to present, this is probably one of a few. I believe it is one of my best examples of creating a narrative around a set of characters in a very strict and concise circumstance of events. I feel as though my characterization, development, and arguably my small arc of the characters involved in this story are really shown off in a way that presents my ideal of the importance of this element in forming a strong narrative. My use of dialogue is one of my main contributing factors to this. I felt as though I used it effectively to help build the individuals of the story carefully in a fashion that shows the evolution of their character rather than simply telling the reader about how they are supposed to understand them and the events that move the story forward.

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