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love always, wb

This idea started as just an idea I did for myself. It was a way for me to respond to certain thoughts I had the things going on in my life, feelings I was having about something in particular, or just an attempt to get what was in my head down into writing. Often times they come across as a journal entry and are an attempt to focus on a particular theme of something I have been putting a lot of time thinking about over the past few days.

These posts take the form of letters written to someone I am close to. While they are specified to be written to a specific person, they have the intention to be shared to anybody who comes to the site. Perhaps they give insight to my mind and thought process, perhaps it creates an interesting dynamic for the reader as they read about these topics in a more personal format. It almost creates a narrative through the insight between the writer and recipient of the letters. It may honestly be confusing to some as they are not always privy to the topics discussed, but these letters were never going anywhere to begin with so I decided to use them to give an insight into my own mind and show how I think.

However, this format of writing has more applications than just letters sent to someone for my own personal reasons. I also want to use this platform to let others send in letters or messages of their own to be responded to in a formal letter format as well. If the content of the site can engage anyone to write in with their thoughts, I would ask if I could respond to their anonymous message via a post and ask for permission to reference the original in letter in a public manner to give my genuine thoughts and response to whatever topic they write in about.

It’s because of this, that this part of the site is used almost as a letter sending board. Sure the posts will mostly consist of my letters to these people whether sent in or to someone I know personally, but it allows a sort of pen pal dynamic in a public environment where everyone can see the communication between audience and writer about any topic that seems relevant. It for sure is a strange format, but I feel like it could be something rather unique if I can make it into something people want to engage with. If not, then it can simply be an archive of my letters to myself in the form of a blog.

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