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My thoughts spilled out onto paper…transcribed onto the internet. I’ve always wanted to try making a blog, but never found the specified format that most follow and the themes people focus on to be something that is suitable to the types of writings I wanted to produce on one. I’m not claiming to create anything groundbreaking. These are just my feelings, personal thoughts and stories, or generally just an insight into my mindscape at any given moment.

Emotion is energy in motion


This blog is my attempt to navigate that energy and interpret my emotions. I have never been someone to express my my feelings externally, so I suppose I’ll paint this blog like the inside of my mind in a hope to accomplish that in my own strange way. I have a major problem with compartmentalization. This may very well be my first attempt to change that lifestyle. I suppose I have become stuck and I don’t want that for myself anymore. I became complacent in my safe, static way of dealing with anything that came my way in life. I felt that if I didn’t change there would be less opportunity for things to go south. However, I have now come to realize I can’t do that to myself, and in a strange way can’t do that to others. Change is inevitable, and I need to start to realize that to move forward.

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