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About Me

Almost everyday I find myself pulling out a notebook I always keep on me to right down some thought, or personal note, or even a detailed idea for a story I’d one day like to have published. For years these have sat in those notebooks, or in a file on my computer and phone. I always wanted to do something with all of it, but I never did. Whether it was because I was nervous to show others, never felt it was good enough, or just didn’t feel confident enough in my ability to write and share what I made. 

Despite all that I really do have a passion for writing. I’ve been writing creatively as long as I can remember and still have the goal to one day publish a book. Preferably a novel, but I have ideas for web comics, graphic novels, and even animation. The art of storytelling is something that has always drawn me in. In book form, in film form, in animation, etc. I love to pick it apart and look really deep into those stories that the writer builds from their own imagination. It’s that very idea that makes me want to create something that other can do the same for. This obsession with storytelling has opened me up to so many forms of art and has pushed me forward in my passion to create it for others.

For the longest time I felt that I life was all about grow up, go to school, get a job, buy a residence, maybe start a family, and that’s it, but I think over my short lifetime I have come to the realization that the world is so much crazier than that. Sure, sometimes that means it can be worse, but it’s the universe’s chaotic nature that brings in so much potential to make it so much better too. Don’t get me wrong some parts of that simple plan I just rattled off are wonderful landmarks in the life of your average human being. Hell, I would love to live that life and I believe it to be a respectable and fulfilling existence. I just think it is very easy to get on that track and only look straight forward at the arrows pulling you forward. Nobody ever said you can’t stop and look around. If I didn’t I would still be unhappy being a computer science major, programming for some software company I have never heard of. While that may be some people’s chosen lifestyle that they find bliss from, it isn’t for me. I need to create worlds and stories and characters and art. It may not be the best work, but I can be happy making something and finally releasing it to the world.

So that’s me. I’m just finally trying to take what I have in my head and bring it out, and this was the best solution I could come up with for how I want to organize some of what I want to say. If either me, what I’m trying to accomplish, or even some of my writing interests you in any way feel free to stick around. I’ll gladly take the company if you are going to do me the honor of giving me your time. I can’t promise where this will all go, but I suppose that is the adventure.

love always,

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