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What Is love always, wb

love always, wb started as a collection of journal entries detailing thoughts and experiences of my life in the form of letters. That’s obviously where the name comes from. I was going to store these letters I wrote to someone archiving all these thoughts here on this website for anyone to see and get an insight into either me, or possibly get a little clarity and relatability from my thoughts. Most of what I put here are the complicated thoughts I find too much difficulty or am too nervous to share to the world publicly. So I do it here as a way to trick myself into thinking it isn’t public. Even if nobody sees it I am content with that.

Of course I also share my love for writing here in the form of a portfolio including said letters (the main part of the site), as well some short writing pieces I am particularly proud of that I feel show off some of my ability as a writer. I would love to be an author or published writer some day, so I figured I should bit the bullet and show the world what I have to offer.

However, as this has become a center for my blog, if you’d call it that, I want to open this up to anyone. I want to make this a center for communication between you, the readers, and I. I’ve been writing letters to one recipient this entire time. While I plan on continuing to do that, I also would like to write to all of you. Sort of an exchange of letters for anyone that is looking for someone to talk to, bounce ideas off of, or just has a sense of loneliness they want to fill. I want to read your responses and, with your permission, respond to them here on the site in my typical love always, wb fashion. Of course, this is completely voluntary. If you’d rather sit back and just read I am more than okay with that and welcome you here as well, but this is the invitation if you feel the urge to write. Send me your letters through the contact page and I will read and respond to them, some of which I may respond to on the journal page. Please don’t hesitate to reach out. I love talking to people and am always looking for new pen pals. I look forward to hearing from you.

love always,